Monday, April 12, 2010

Theory Shmeary

So you know how sometimes people complain about theories being just a theory?  You know, as opposed to a law?  Ever wondered what that really meant?

Theories are organized sets of hypotheses, organized sets of whys laid out in an attempt to understand some group of facts that have been observed. In scientific terms at least, theories have stronger support and explanatory power than laws.  Good theories are testable, they can be shown to be wrong, or if we are lucky good and careful scientists, perhaps on the road to right. So theory schmeary and all that.

And, in scientific terms at least, "law" doesn't mean quite the same thing as in everyday speech.  In everyday speech, laws are rules we are supposed to obey - things we have to do but sometimes don't or things we get in trouble for doing.  By contrast, in scientific terminology laws are descriptions of things that happen.  They are primarily observatory in nature, meaning they tell us what happens under a certain set of circumstances.  Apple rolls off head, apple falls.  It tells us the what of what happened.  But - and here's a crucial part - it doesn't tell us the why, and that's because we generally don't understand why they happened, we just know that they do. So in terms of evidence and explanatory power, theories are the better bet.

However, in the spirit of internet memes, let me pass on for you a PSA recently forwarded to me about a law you should follow.

Because seatbelts?  Not just a good idea.  The LAW.


  1. So I admit to getting a ticket a few years back for not wearing my seat belt. And it is true, I was just being lazy. I was given the option to attend a "Seat belt Safety" class in leu of paying the ticket... fact is that the class was cheaper than the ticket, so I went. It turned out to be an OK class, and they made a convincing point about wearing seat belts!
    The video that you share here is artistic, intense and convincing, in it's own way. My only complaint, is that it reminds me a little bit of driving in the car with my mom when I was little. Surely, I always had my seat belt on, but whenever we made a quick stop she would throw her arm out in front of me as if it were to help the situation. I know that this was just a loving reflex, but for goodness sake mom, keep both your hands on the wheel! This video has a lot of emotion behind it, but surely the arms of ALL your loved ones are not going to help in the circumstance of a true car accident.
    Just saying... Click it or ticket. :)

  2. It sounds as if this post was a rebuttal to the common held belief that theories aren't strong and are made up educated guesses by scientists. Sadly, this fallacy has been perpetually reinforced in our childhood. Growing with a religious background, I was taught that the THEORY of evolution was false, the THEORY of big bang was false, that they were all just THEORIES. This is why it may be hard for people to grasp their minds around the real meaning of scientific theory unless they've taken science classes. Sadly, just as there will be opposing political factions or opposing sports team, scientific research will always have its oppositions as well.

  3. The reason people think of theories as "just theories" is because an explanation in itself is just not enough. If the "why" is not proven correct, what use is it to the progress of man, or society? Scientific explanations are logical explanations, but if our logic is based on falsehoods (other theories) we might as well leave things unexplained. Laws are better than theories because they are true. An apple rolled off my head and hit the floor. Yep, that is correct. Why did that happen? gravity? maybe. aliens? maybe. Both are theories, and both are maybes...their is no degree of maybe. There is no probably. Who are we to speculate the likelihood of our own absurd speculations?
