Thursday, May 20, 2010

Links! Extra Credit! And more!

Hi all,
Two quick links.

First, a link to a questionnaires about the use of the ECHO video podcast system I used to videotape this quarter's lectures. Please note that this is not my questionnaire, but one being conducted by the university to find out how students feel about the system.  If you liked the video podcasts and want to see more of them, or if you hated them and want to see less, here's your chance to have your voice heard.  This questionnaire is not for extra credit.

Second, a link to a study being conducted by one of the graduate students in the Psychology Department at Portland State on personality and work.  You can earn a point of extra credit for completing it - just make sure you enter your first and last name at the end, as well as the class you are completing it for (this info will not be linked to your survey responses).

And then just for the hell of it, a video link.  Give it 90 seconds.  Really.  It just gets crazy.


  1. Yes. It really does just get CRAZY. I've heard that people that can move their torsos like that aren't just flexible, but often are born without the lowest of ribs on the cage, enabling them to move like that. Wow.

  2. That video acutally made me kind of sick trying to watch it. It makes sense what Rhea said about not having a lower rib cage...that is not a normal thing to be able to do!! I felt like I was watching a human version of Gumby.
