Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Eye Color Calculator

As promised in class, an eye color calculator....

There is a more in-depth explanation of the genetics of eye color at the links at the bottom of the page.  As I mentioned in class, eye color is more complicated than the simple Mendelian example I gave in class.


  1. I will say, this was right on the money for my son and friend's daughter. Very interesting! Now if there were only a career predictor!

  2. Trinh

    I just did the eye color calculator, and the calculation show that our baby will have a high change of having brown eyes. I really hope that our baby will have green or blue eyes instead of brown even though the chance is only 13%.

  3. rprager

    my daughter has a very unsual color (greenish, blueish, and grayish, depending on what she wears one of the colors becomes more prominent. but the eye color calc is sugesting that they will become green. i read some where that youngsters eye color stabalizes at around 10-12 months of age, is this true? i dont remember if that was talked about in class.

  4. Eye color tends to be pretty obvious for most kids by about 6 months, and generally is pretty set by 2 years. However, particularly for the more mixed colors, I think it can still take a bit longer. I think, rprager, you'll just have to wait and see!

    My daughter's eyes were similar, although I would probably characterize them as having been a grey-green. By 3, they stabilized into a very light greenish-brown/hazel color. My other daughter had clearly blue eyes from 3 months on and they have not changed.

