Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No Virginia, watching TV won't make your baby smarter.

As mentioned in class today, the Walt Disney Company has admitted that watching television will not make your baby smarter, although it may be an interesting segue way into a discussion of mental illness and an effective means of torture for adults.  As it turns out, the use of videos targeted for young children may actually be negatively related to language development and problems with attention.

So, if you bought your child some Baby Einstein videos and were disappointed with the results, here's how to get your money back.

Happy viewing.

1 comment:

  1. Talking about baby smarter or not, what I was told from my old generation that natural birth babies are more smarter than C-section babies because of the pressure form the cervix as they are supposed to be. I couldn't find any information to prove that. Any comment on this?

    I also want to comment on intelligence of children. So far I know that many good academic students (over 30%) come from poverty families in China. If nutrition and genes are related to intellectual functioning, it seems not be the case, or at least the percentage should be lower. Obviously, they lack of nutrition and don't have intelligent parents (most of them never go to school).Do you think this is related to education system or other factors?

    Thank you!

    Happy holiday!

    Linda Pratt
